Thursday, March 3, 2016

How I will Promote my Blog

It is extremely vital to promote your own blog to insure you are generating traffic. If people are reading your posts and sharing them you can become popular and gain fans who will revisit your website often. All bloggers hope that they can create conversations between their fans and outsiders who may be turned onto your blog. By gaining a following writer also gain creditability among their peers. To promote my blog I will write about topics that generate a lot of conversation. By keeping up to date with new and relevant stories, I will allow myself express my opinions to keep people coming back. If i am one of the first bloggers to post on a topic, then readers will look to my website first. It is also important for me to promote programs that are relevant to my topics. By promoting others I can build a relationship with them and advertise my posts on other, more popular websites. I will also utilize websites like Alexa to measure the traffic of my website and look for new ways to promote and gain competitive advantages. Being unique in my writing and sometimes being very opinionated or controversial will help me gain followers. Lastly I will use key words and phrases in my post titles to help generate traffic from search engines. Because I know that it takes money to gain the top spots on popular search engines, I can create a email mailing list and ask if people would like newsletters promoting my website. Compiling all of these tasks together will hopefully help me gain a following.

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